ChatGPT combined with Google search

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More About GPTGO

GptGO is a Chrome extension that enhances user experience with ChatGPT through convenient search features. Key features and advantages include:

  • Quick Search: Interact with ChatGPT without leaving the current tab or navigating its user interface
  • Text highlighting: Highlight text, right-click, and select GptGO for instant ChatGPT responses
  • Popup window: Type in custom prompts and read longer responses from ChatGPT

Use cases for GptGO cater to various user needs:

  • Research and information retrieval: Quickly search and receive answers from ChatGPT
  • Content creation: Generate ideas and suggestions without leaving the current browsing tab
  • Efficient browsing: Access ChatGPT’s capabilities without disrupting the browsing experience

GptGO does not support any form of cheating and users are not permitted to use the extension for any purpose that may result in academic dishonesty.

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