
AI-Powered Platform for Effortless Video Documentation & Guides Creation.

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More About Guidde

Guidde is an AI-powered platform that helps businesses create step-by-step video documentation and documents for various purposes such as training, onboarding, and customer support. Key features and advantages include:

  • Workflow capture: Users can capture their workflow, and the AI tool will generate a step-by-step description of the process and voiceover.
  • Personalization: Users can select from over 100 different voices and languages to personalize their video documentation.
  • Visual editor: Guidde offers an editor where users can design visually appealing visuals without the need for design skills.
  • Easy sharing: The platform allows for easy sharing through links or embeds within an organization.
  • Scalability: Guidde’s unique features enable businesses to scale their support operations without sacrificing quality by creating step-by-step guides for sophisticated scenarios.

Use cases for Guidde involve various documentation-related activities:

  • Creating engaging and captivating knowledge articles that combine video, images, and text.
  • Providing quick, personalized video responses to customer questions.
  • Creating a tutorial video library.

Guidde is trusted by users and teams of all sizes and has received positive feedback from customers who describe it as a super-simple tool that easily produces high-quality documentation with minimum effort.

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