
AI-powered chatbot for WhatsApp, providing personalized responses, advice, and recommendations.

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More About Gurubot

Guru is an advanced AI-powered chatbot designed to assist users within WhatsApp. Utilizing the latest language AI technology, GPT3.5, Guru comprehends conversation context and delivers accurate and personalized responses.

Key Features:

  1. Language AI technology: Powered by GPT3.5, Guru understands conversation context for accurate responses.
  2. 24/7 availability: Access Guru’s assistance anytime, day or night.
  3. Personalized responses: Receive tailored advice, recommendations, and support.
  4. Secure and private: Maintains user privacy by keeping chats and data confidential.

Use Cases:

  • General inquiries: Get quick and accurate answers to general questions.
  • Personalized advice: Seek guidance and recommendations based on your specific needs.
  • Support and assistance: Receive support and assistance on various topics.

With Guru, you can enjoy the convenience of having an AI-powered chatbot right within WhatsApp, providing personalized responses, advice, and recommendations.

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