
AI-powered memory assistant that resurfaces content

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More About Heyday

Heyday is an AI-powered memory assistant designed to help users resurface and organize forgotten web content. Key features and advantages include:

  • Content integration: Works with Gmail, Slack, Google Calendar, Google Drive, Dropbox, Evernote, Notion, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pocket
  • Automatic saving: Saves visited pages and resurfaces them alongside search results
  • Enhanced search and organization: Organizes documents, messages, files, newsletters, notes, presentations, spreadsheets, tweets, and more
  • Secure and private: Encrypts all data to ensure user privacy
  • Immediate value: Resurfaces content in seconds, saving time and mental energy

Use cases for Heyday are ideal for various professionals:

  • Researchers seeking a convenient way to save and resurface web content
  • Creators and knowledge workers aiming to improve organization and productivity
  • Individuals who want a secure and private tool for managing their digital content

Overall, Heyday offers a seamless and effective solution for organizing and resurfacing web content, making it a valuable tool for researchers, creators, and knowledge workers.

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