Influencer Marketing AI

Discover, analyze, and measure influencers

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Influencer Marketing AI

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More About Influencer Marketing AI

IMAI is a comprehensive influencer marketing platform for brands, agencies, online stores and more. Discover, analyze, and measure over 300 million influencers with powerful search filters.

  • End-to-end influencer discovery and marketing platform: Discover the potential of IMAI and gain access to detailed insights about 260 million influencers and their audiences
  • Dedicated Campaign Reporting Dashboard: Evaluate and optimize campaign success by measuring and delivering powerful results to your clients or brand through a customized interface.
  • End-to-End Campaign Management & Automation Platform: IMAI revolutionizes the entire influencer workflow from discovery to vetting, to collaboration, to campaign measurement – with its comprehensive Agency CRM & IRM, Influencers app & Branded client dashboard.
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