InstaNovel AI generates mini-novels from prompts, free with 1 book/person

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InstaNovel AI

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More About InstaNovel AI

InstaNovel is an AI-powered tool designed to generate mini-novels based on user-provided prompts. Key features and advantages include:

  • GPT-3 and Dall-E 2 technology: Quickly create stories without any writing experience
  • Mini-website rendering: Read generated stories in a user-friendly format
  • Language expansion: Currently supports English, with plans to add more languages in the future
  • Free and premium options: Free access with a waiting time, or upgrade to premium for faster results and more books

Use cases for InstaNovel are ideal for various individuals:

  • Aspiring writers seeking inspiration and a starting point for their stories
  • Content creators looking to generate unique narratives for their projects
  • Casual users wanting to explore their creativity and generate personalized mini-novels

Overall, InstaNovel offers a user-friendly and accessible platform for generating AI-powered stories, catering to both casual and professional users.

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