
AI-powered tool that enables businesses to bring their ideas to life faster

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More About Jusi

Jusi is an AI-powered tool designed to streamline the process of creating technical specifications and finding suitable development studios. Key features and advantages include:

  • Conversation-style dialogue: Collects necessary information for comprehensive technical specifications
  • Top development studio candidates: Identifies the top 20 most suitable studios based on user criteria
  • Cost and time reduction: Reduces application production times by up to 20 times and lowers costs by up to 12 times

Use cases for Jusi are ideal for various businesses:

  • Startups looking to create technical specifications and find development studios for their applications or websites
  • Established businesses aiming to expand their digital presence with new applications or website features
  • Project managers seeking to simplify and expedite the process of identifying suitable development partners

Overall, Jusi offers a simple, fast, and rigorous solution for businesses to bring their ideas to life with the help of AI.

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