
AI-powered extraordinary customer & employee experiences

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More About Kore.ai

Kore.ai is a provider of AI-optimized customer and employee experiences, offering a range of industry-specific virtual and process assistants. Key features and advantages include:

  • Experience Optimization (XO): Blends conversational AI and digital UX for seamless interactions
  • Industry-focused products: Offers solutions for contact centers, banking, healthcare, commerce, IT support, HR support, and collaborative workspaces
  • SearchAssist: A cognitive search solution with conversational support

Use cases for Kore.ai cater to various industries and professionals:

  • Customer service teams seeking AI-driven virtual assistants to enhance customer experience
  • HR and IT support teams looking for AI-powered solutions to streamline employee support
  • Businesses and organizations aiming to improve customer and employee interactions through AI technology

Overall, Kore.ai provides a comprehensive platform for automating interactions and optimizing experiences across multiple industries.

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