Manifest AI

Re-imagining eCommerce with Artificial Intelligence

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Manifest AI

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More About Manifest AI

Manifest AI is an AI-powered shopping assistant specifically designed for eCommerce brands. It serves as a guide for buyers throughout their pre-purchase journeys, reducing customer drop-offs and increasing conversions.

Key Features:

  • Extended prompts to reduce customer drop-offs
  • Product recommendations based on buyers’ queries
  • Avoidance of choice overload through tailored recommendations
  • Personalized AI prompts based on browsing behavior
  • Multilingual support for a global audience
  • Customizable shopping assistant to align with brand personality
  • Powered by GPT-3.5 for advanced natural language processing

Use Cases:

  • eCommerce brands seeking to reduce customer drop-offs and increase conversions
  • Online retailers looking to enhance the shopping experience and engage customers
  • Store managers who want to personalize the shopping assistant for their brand
  • Businesses targeting multilingual audiences worldwide
  • Brands aiming to simplify the decision-making process for buyers

Manifest AI is a powerful AI tool that empowers eCommerce brands to optimize their pre-purchase journeys and drive better customer engagement.

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