
Automatic, AI-generated interview notes

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More About Metaview

Metaview is an advanced AI tool specifically designed for recruiters and interviewers to streamline the interview process. By automating note-taking, Metaview generates accurate and concise summaries of candidate conversations and answers, allowing recruiters to focus more on the essential aspects of the interaction.

Key Features:

  1. Automated Note-Taking: AI-powered tool that generates accurate and concise summaries of candidate conversations and answers.
  2. Integration and Compatibility: Seamlessly syncs with existing tools and video conferencing platforms.
  3. Customizable Templates: Design personalized note-taking templates to suit individual preferences and requirements.
  4. Data Privacy Compliance: Built to comply with data privacy regulations such as GDPR and CCPA.
  5. Continuous Learning: AI technology learns from user feedback and data inputs to improve note-taking accuracy over time.

Use Cases:

  • Recruiters and hiring managers seeking an efficient and automated note-taking solution for interviews.
  • Interviewers looking to focus more on candidate interactions rather than extensive note-taking.
  • HR professionals aiming to streamline the interview process and improve post-interview evaluations.
  • Companies and organizations that prioritize data privacy and compliance.
  • Teams conducting remote or virtual interviews, leveraging video conferencing platforms.

Metaview empowers recruiters and interviewers by automating note-taking, providing them with valuable time savings and accurate interview summaries.

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