Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit

Open-source toolkit specifically designed for commercial-grade distributed deep learning.

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Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit

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More About Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK) is an open-source toolkit designed for commercial-grade distributed deep learning. However, it is important to note that CNTK is no longer actively developed. The final major release was CNTK 2.7.


  • CNTK describes neural networks as a series of computational steps via a directed graph.
  • It allows users to easily realize and combine popular model types such as feed-forward DNNs, convolutional neural networks (CNNs), and recurrent neural networks (RNNs/LSTMs).
  • It implements stochastic gradient descent (SGD, error backpropagation) learning with automatic differentiation and parallelization across multiple GPUs and servers.
  • CNTK can be included as a library in your Python, C#, or C++ programs, or used as a standalone machine-learning tool through its model description language (BrainScript).
  • It supports 64-bit Linux or 64-bit Windows operating systems.
  • It is one of the first deep-learning toolkits to support the Open Neural Network Exchange ONNX format, an open-source shared model representation for framework interoperability and shared optimization.

Use Cases

CNTK can be used as a library in Python, C#, or C++ programs. It can also be used as a standalone machine-learning tool through its model description language, BrainScript. In addition, the CNTK model evaluation functionality can be used from Java programs.


There is no separate license required to use the 1-bit Stochastic Gradient Descent (1-bit SGD) in CNTK; the 1-bit SGD is available under the license provided in GitHub.


CNTK supports 64-bit Linux or 64-bit Windows operating systems. It can be installed by choosing pre-compiled binary packages or by compiling the toolkit from the source provided in GitHub.

ONNX Support

CNTK is one of the first deep-learning toolkits to support the Open Neural Network Exchange ONNX format. The latest release of CNTK supports ONNX v1.0.

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