Neuton TinyML

No-code artificial intelligence for all

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Neuton TinyML

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More About Neuton TinyML

Neuton TinyML® is an automated Tiny ML platform that specializes in developing ultra-tiny neural networks for programmable sensors.

Key Features

  • Exceptionally Tiny Models without Loss of Accuracy: The platform creates models that are less than 1 KB in size, without sacrificing accuracy. It allows even 8-bit microcontrollers to run robust neural networks. The models are up to 10x smaller compared to other existing algorithms.
  • No-Code Automated Tiny ML Platform: Neuton is a no-code platform that offers a highly automated and transparent pipeline. It helps to automatically build extremely compact and accurate models without additional compression and natively embed them into 8, 16, and 32-bit MCUs.
  • Neuton in Action: The platform provides ready-made solutions for various applications. For instance, it allows for touch-free interaction for smartwatches and other wearables with an accuracy rate of over 97%.


Neuton offers a Free Unlimited Plan for developers. For new accounts, GCP provides up to $500 credits, for the next 90 days. $500 is enough for at least 100 hours of training on the platform.

Use Cases

Neuton TinyML® can be used in a variety of applications, including:

  • Smartwatches: The platform provides a ready-made solution for touch-free interaction with smartwatches and other wearables.
  • Remote Control Devices: Neuton.AI demonstrated a remote control device at the TinyML Forum 2023.
  • Smart Toothbrush: The platform was featured in the Arm Tech Talk 2023 for its application in the next generation smart toothbrush.
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