
AI-driven script writing software.

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More About NolanAi

Nolan is the ultimate AI-driven script-writing software. With Nolan, you can easily craft compelling movie scripts, no matter where you are.

  • Offline Capabilities: With the app’s offline capability, you can work on your script from anywhere, without an internet connection. Plus, our advanced AI technology makes formatting your script a breeze, so you can focus on bringing your story to life.
  • Track Every Edit with Ease: A per-row script history list is a feature in scriptwriting software that allows writers to track changes made to their scripts on a row-by-row basis. With this feature, writers can see a complete history of edits made to each line of dialogue, stage direction, or action in their script. This makes it easy to compare different versions of a script and to identify where changes have been made
  • Describe Your Screenplay’s Settings: Nolan, streamlines the process of describing interior and exterior settings in screenplays with just one click. Its intuitive interface and advanced formatting options allow writers to quickly add vivid descriptions of locations, buildings, and settings to their scripts.
  • Enhance Your Screenplay’s Dialogue: Nolan can help writers to continue conversations in a natural and engaging way. With its advanced AI-powered dialogue generation, Nolan can analyze existing dialogue and generate responses that fit seamlessly within the flow of the conversation. This means that writers can spend less time trying to come up with natural-sounding dialogue and more time focusing on their story.
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