
Oatmeal Health is an AI-enabled cancer screening service that helps identify and screen high-risk populations for lung cancer.

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More About Oatmealhealth

Oatmeal Health is an innovative AI-enabled cancer screening service that utilizes advanced technology to identify, preventively screen, and rescreen vulnerable populations for lung cancer. The tool is specifically designed to support Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), payers, and employers in improving patient outcomes, reducing healthcare costs, and increasing patient compliance.

Key Features:

  1. AI-enabled Cancer Screening: Oatmeal Health uses AI technology to identify and screen high-risk populations for lung cancer.
  2. Patient Eligibility Confirmation: The clinical team ensures patient eligibility based on USPSTF guidelines.
  3. Continuous Patient Education: Oatmeal Health provides ongoing patient education to improve compliance and understanding.
  4. Virtual-First Service: The platform offers virtual and in-person care options, delivering screening services at scale.

Use Cases:

  • Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs): Oatmeal Health supports FQHCs in improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs through early cancer detection.
  • Payers and Employers: The tool helps payers and employers in providing comprehensive cancer screening services and increasing patient compliance.
  • Underserved Populations: Oatmeal Health’s virtual-first service ensures that underserved Americans have access to preventative lung cancer screening.

Oatmeal Health is committed to leveraging AI technology and collaborative partnerships to address complex healthcare challenges and improve outcomes for vulnerable populations.

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