Obviously AI

The fastest, most precise no-code AI tool ever.

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Obviously AI

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More About Obviously AI

Obviously AI is a no-code data science platform that simplifies the creation of machine learning models. Key features and advantages include:

  • Automated model building: Create classification, regression, and time series models without prior knowledge of machine learning or programming
  • Model deployment and monitoring: Save time and money with streamlined processes
  • Integration and sharing: Use the API for real-time predictions and app integration
  • Expert support: Access a dedicated data scientist for assistance with data tasks

Use cases for Obviously AI cover various applications:

  • Predicting churn, lead conversion, loan repayment, and fraud with classification models
  • Forecasting sales, dynamic pricing, yield, and deal size using regression models
  • Projecting time-based outcomes such as future sales or stock prices with time series models

Overall, Obviously AI offers a user-friendly, time-saving solution for creating and deploying AI models across diverse applications.

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