Paperclips Copilot

Browser extension for auto-generating flashcards from any online text for platforms like Anki and Quizlet.

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Paperclips Copilot

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More About Paperclips Copilot

Meet Paperclips Copilot, a Chrome extension designed to enhance your study sessions by converting any web-based text into high-quality flashcards. Students can transform course notes, blog posts, news articles, or any highlighted text into a ready-to-review flashcard with a simple click.

Key Features:

  1. Instant Flashcard Creation: Highlight text and generate flashcards instantly via a simple tooltip.
  2. Seamless Organization: Keep your flashcards ordered and synchronized across all tabs.
  3. Export to Popular Study Platforms: Easily export your flashcards to favorite study platforms like Anki and Quizlet.

Use Cases:

  • Improve studying efficiency: Quickly create flashcards from any online text for streamlined review.
  • Enhance learning engagement: Interact with your course material in a more engaging, memorable way.
  • Customize your study resources: Highlight and convert any piece of information you find useful.

Paperclips Copilot is more than a study tool. It revolutionizes how you engage with information online, transforming every snippet of text into a step in your learning journey. This tool makes your study sessions more efficient, engaging, and enjoyable, revolutionizing the learning process one click at a time!

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