
Transforms coding interview preparation into an enjoyable experience

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More About Pgrammer

Introducing Pgrammer – your ultimate coding interview practice companion that reshapes how you prepare for coding interviews. We understand the challenges of tackling tough LeetCode problems, and we’ve designed Pgrammer to provide a fresh and enjoyable approach to interview prep.

Key Features:

  • Personalized Learning: Pgrammer offers a personalized learning experience tailored to your skill level and interview requirements.
  • Diverse Language Support: We support over 20 programming languages, ensuring you can practice in your preferred language.
  • AI-Powered Analysis: Our tool leverages AI, specifically GPT-4, to create an interactive and realistic interview experience.
  • Timely Hints: Get hints at any point during a challenge to keep your learning on track without feeling frustrated.
  • Constructive Feedback: Receive feedback after your submission, focusing on both the positive aspects and areas for improvement.
  • Difficulty Level: Choose the difficulty level based on your experience and confidence, and even request follow-up questions.
  • Frontend UI Support: Pgrammer covers frontend UI questions with support for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like React and Svelt.

How It Works:

Pgrammer’s core is powered by GPT-4, but it’s more than just that. We’ve created an interactive interface that transforms a GPT-4 session into a software engineering interview. This virtual interviewer conducts interviews, interprets your code, provides hints, and analyzes your solutions deeply.

Supported Languages:

We’ve handpicked over 20 programming languages for optimal support. Our code editor, powered by monaco-editor, supports over 75 programming/markup languages. GPT-4, our AI engine, is capable of understanding a wide range of languages.

Preparing for Interviews:

Pgrammer is designed to help candidates prepare for coding interviews effectively. While the public version serves candidates, we’re working on plans for interviewers. If you’re interested in exploring what we have in store for interviewers, please contact us at shipyard media, and we’ll be happy to provide more information.


Pgrammer is your answer to enjoyable and effective coding interview preparation. With personalized learning, diverse language support, AI-powered analysis, timely hints, and valuable feedback, Pgrammer sets a new standard for interview practice tools. Whether you’re aiming for FAANG-level interviews or leveling up your coding skills, Pgrammer is your companion to ace coding interviews with confidence.

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