Picture it

Picture it is an AI Art Editor that empowers users to create and iterate on AI-generated art.

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Picture it

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More About Picture it

Picture it is a powerful AI Art Editor that allows users to explore the creative potential of AI-generated art. With a variety of advanced features and an open-source nature, Picture it provides a versatile platform for artists and enthusiasts to express their artistic vision.

Key Features:

  1. Stable Diffusion: Achieve stable and controlled image transformation with adjustable options.
  2. Prompt Auto Suggestions: Get automatic suggestions to inspire and generate ideas for AI art.
  3. Drawing Guided Generation: Interactively guide the AI in the art creation process based on initial strokes or sketches.
  4. Outpainting Capabilities: Extend the content of an image beyond its original boundaries for creative exploration.
  5. Base Image Variations: Experiment with different starting points to explore diverse artistic outcomes.
  6. Open-Source: Contribute ideas, code, and feedback to make the editor more powerful and accessible for the community.

Use Cases:

  • Artists and Creatives: Use Picture it as a tool to explore new artistic possibilities and create unique AI-generated art.
  • Designers: Incorporate AI-generated art into design projects for visual impact and innovation.
  • Collaborative Art Projects: Engage in collaborative art creation by combining human creativity with AI assistance.
  • AI Art Enthusiasts: Explore the potential of AI-generated art and experiment with different artistic styles and techniques.

Picture it provides a creative and collaborative environment for artists, designers, and AI art enthusiasts to explore the world of AI-generated art. With its advanced features and open-source nature, Picture it encourages experimentation, innovation, and the ongoing development of AI art creation.

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