
One extension to drive productivity with AI, automation, and more

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More About PixieBrix

PixieBrix is an AI-powered, customizable Chrome extension designed to boost productivity, improve user experience, and unleash untapped potential. The extension is enterprise-ready and can be deployed on any site.

Key Features:

  • Incredible versatility: Extensibility and integration options let you connect the web apps you already use.
  • Iterative innovation: Low-code “bricks” for faster implementation and immediate preview and testing of changes.
  • Scalable for teams: Easily and securely build and roll out new functionality to larger teams.
  • Engaged community: Idea exchange, frequent releases, and responsive support.

Use Cases:

  1. Rapid actions: Automate data sharing, calculations, and data entry.
  2. Intelligent overlay: Create context-aware, interactive information overlays.
  3. Process excellence: Improve efficiency, quality, and compliance of repeatable work done in apps.
  4. Navigational efficiency: Seamlessly work between web apps with convenient integrations.
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