
The Perfect AI Playlist Generator

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More About Playlistable

The Perfect AI Playlist Generator

Effortlessly create personalized playlists for any mood or occasion with our AI-powered generator. Discover new music and customize your playlists to your heart’s content


  • Discover New Music Effortlessly: Discover new artists and songs that match your taste. Simply input a mood prompt or let the AI analyze your listening history, and we’ll do the rest.
  • Make Your Playlists Truly Yours: Whether you want to add a song you just discovered or remove a song you’re tired of hearing, Playlistable makes it easy to create the perfect playlist for you.
  • Seamless Spotify Integration: Our app seamlessly integrates with your Spotify account, making it easy to listen to your personalized playlists on the go.

With Playlistable, discover new music, save time, and enjoy music on your terms.

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