
Your Company's Knowledge Assistant

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More About Pragma

Pragma is an AI-powered knowledge assistant tool that helps organizations accelerate knowledge discovery and sharing. It integrates with popular knowledge and collaboration platforms, provides fast access to information, offers direct answers to inquiries, and emphasizes collaboration among team members.

Key Features:

  1. Integrations: Connects with popular knowledge and collaboration platforms like Google Drive, Notion, Intercom, and Salesforce.
  2. Fast Access to Information: Provides auto-suggested answers within Slack and through the Chrome Extension for Gmail.
  3. Direct Answers: Offers a chat interface for direct and instant answers to customer inquiries.
  4. Collaboration: Enables team collaboration on knowledge sharing, FAQs, and best practices.
  5. Continuous Updates: Provides validated knowledge and addresses missing or outdated information.

Use Cases:

  • Organizations looking to improve knowledge discovery and sharing among team members.
  • Customer support teams in need of quick access to accurate information for responding to customer inquiries.
  • Businesses using popular knowledge and collaboration platforms and seeking to integrate them with an AI-powered knowledge assistant.
  • Companies aiming to enhance productivity and decision-making by ensuring access to up-to-date and reliable information.
  • Teams focused on creating a culture of knowledge sharing and continuous learning within their organization.

Pragma is a valuable tool for organizations that want to streamline knowledge sharing, improve productivity, and foster collaboration.

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