
Offers instant feedback on recorded speech, facilitating progress tracking and targeted improvement.

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More About Pronounce

Pronounce is the go-to tool for professionals looking to enhance their English pronunciation and communication skills. In a world where effective communication is paramount, Pronounce offers valuable feedback on grammar, pronunciation, and fluency when speaking.

Key Features and Capabilities:

  • Speech Feedback: Users can record their speech and receive instant feedback to identify areas for improvement in pronunciation, fluency, and grammar.
  • Accent Reduction: Pronounce is especially beneficial for individuals with native accents that may affect professional advancement or hinder clear communication.
  • Speech Coaching: The tool provides a chat feature with an AI speech coach for conversational practice, helping users refine their spoken English.
  • Resource Hub: Pronounce offers integration options and resources related to pronunciation at work, vocabulary enhancement, and building confidence in conversations.

User Benefits:

  • Professionalism: Pronounce enables users to speak English clearly and confidently, strengthening professional relationships and customer connections.
  • Progress Tracking: Instant feedback and recording capabilities make it easy to track improvement over time.
  • Free Access: The free plan provides limited access for users who cannot afford premium services.
  • Premium Features: The premium plan includes a personal English speech copilot, unlimited conversation recording, and speech recommendations for focused practice.


Pronounce is a reliable and invaluable tool for individuals looking to refine their English pronunciation and communication skills. Whether you’re aiming to reduce your native accent’s impact on professional growth or enhance your clarity in communication, Pronounce offers actionable feedback and progress tracking.

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