
Make AI-native workflow automations with no code for both on-chain and off-chain tasks and transactions

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More About Questflow

Questflow is an AI-native no-code workflow automation platform that helps teams and individuals reduce costs and increase efficiency by automating tasks and transactions across various platforms, both on-chain and off-chain. Key features and advantages include:

  • Design workflows using a canvas editor
  • Manage version control for workflow templates, app plugins, and AI agents with options to use, publish, and fork
  • Establish conditional logic based on approvals or criteria
  • Enable task and transaction automation without writing code
  • A marketplace for automation templates, plugins, and prompts to perform actions on behalf of users in their work

Use cases for Questflow involve various automation-related activities:

  • Automate tasks and transactions across various platforms, both on-chain and off-chain
  • Reduce costs and increase efficiency for teams and individuals
  • Design workflows without writing code
  • Establish conditional logic to streamline workflows
  • Access a marketplace for automation templates, plugins, and prompts

With Questflow, users can automate their workflows and increase their productivity without needing to write any code.

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