
AI-powered quiz generator to make unique trivia questions & answers.

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More About Quizgecko

Rapidly generate quizzes, flashcards, and notes from any text with AI. Save hours by quickly transforming text, web pages and files into different formats, using the latest learning science. Generate multiple choice, short answer and true/false style questions, then share with anyone. Perfect for teachers, e-learning and corporate trainings.

Key Features

  • Versatile content sources: Generate quizzes from books, articles, documents, websites, and technical documentation
  • Multiple question types: Create multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and fill in the blank questions
  • Customization: Set difficulty levels, number of questions, and quiz language
  • Chrome extension: Easily turn web pages into quizzes with a convenient browser add-on
  • Pro feature: Input up to 5,000 characters for more accurate results, generate quizzes with up to 10 questions, and access all languages

Use cases for Quizgecko are suitable for various users:

  • Educators seeking to generate quizzes for students based on course materials
  • Content creators looking to engage their audience with interactive quizzes
  • Individuals aiming to test their knowledge on various topics using personalized quizzes
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