Research Buddy

Academic Literature Review or One-Page Exec Summary on any subject of your choice

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Research Buddy

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More About Research Buddy

Research Buddy is an AI-powered tool that generates comprehensive Academic Literature Reviews with Harvard Referencing in minutes. Key features and advantages include:

  • Quick and easy: Simply type in a subject or research question, and Research Buddy generates a comprehensive literature review with Harvard referencing in minutes
  • Illuminating and comprehensive: In fields with significant academic research, Research Buddy provides a comprehensive review of the literature
  • One-page exec summary: Ideal for getting up to date on any subject or issue just before a meeting or class
  • Outputs to Word or PDF format: Review can be exported to Word or PDF format for easy sharing and editing

Use cases for Research Buddy involve:

  • Conducting academic research in various fields
  • Staying up to date on a subject or issue before a meeting or class
  • Generating a literature review for a research paper or thesis

Research Buddy was developed by Dixon Humphreys AI capability consultancy partners

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