
Faster Product-Market Fit with AI User Interviews

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More About RhetorAI

RhetorAI is an AI-powered tool designed to gather actionable feedback from conversational user surveys. Key features and advantages include:

  • Automated follow-up questions: Gains deep insights effortlessly by asking relevant follow-up questions based on user input
  • High volume interviews: Conduct hundreds of interviews per day with permanent transcript storage
  • Prioritized insights: Summarizes the most important findings from interviews for focused decision-making

Use cases for RhetorAI cover a range of tasks:

  • Assessing price sensitivity, product stickiness, and feature prioritization
  • Gathering design feedback and understanding the user journey
  • Discovering unexpected use cases and complementing other data-gathering tools

Overall, RhetorAI accelerates product-market fit by automating user interviews and uncovering customers’ deepest motivations and pain points.

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