
Simplify Web Security Compliance with Automation

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More About Secureframe

Secureframe Compliance Platform

Secureframe offers an automated compliance platform to help businesses achieve and maintain continuous security and privacy compliance, including SOC 2, ISO 27001, PCI DSS, HIPAA, GDPR, CCPA, and more.

Key Features:

  • Continuous Monitoring: Monitor your compliance posture continuously.
  • Integration Library: Connect with 100+ services for auto-collecting evidence.
  • Automated Tests: Pre-built tests for automated evidence collection.
  • Personnel Management: Ensure all personnel stay compliant.
  • Asset Inventory Management: Automated management of resources and devices.
  • Vendor Management: Manage vendor due diligence and risk assessments.
  • Vendor Access: Monitor employee and user access to integrated vendors.
  • Risk Management: Build and maintain a robust risk management program.
  • Data Rooms: Import and export audit data from a centralized repository.
  • Readiness Reports: Create and view reports and dashboards on your compliance posture.

Use Cases:

  • Achieve and maintain compliance in weeks, not months.
  • Stay current on the latest laws and regulations to mitigate legal, regulatory, and financial risk.
  • Scale compliance to your business and customize policies and tests to fit your unique needs.
  • Automate responses to RFPs and security questionnaires to close more deals, faster.
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