
Safe Ai for your team: focused on compliance and social collaboration

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More About Suzan

Suzan is a secured version of ChatGPT powered by GPT-4. It protects a company’s data with data loss prevention, inappropriate or unethical behaviors detection and reporting. Some of its key features include:

  • Multi-users chat
  • Secured API endpoints
  • Pre-compliance to EU AI Act

The advantages of using Suzan include its ability to protect a company’s data and detect inappropriate or unethical behaviors. Additionally, it provides a secure platform for communication and complies with EU AI Act.

Use cases for Suzan include:

  • Secure communication between team members
  • Protection of sensitive company data
  • Detection and reporting of inappropriate or unethical behaviors

Overall, Suzan is a powerful tool for companies looking to secure their communication and protect their data.

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