Swyft AI

Seamlessly integrates with Salesforce, takes notes during sales calls, generates summaries, lists next steps, and automatically updates relevant CRM fields.

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Swyft AI

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More About Swyft AI

Swyft AI is the ultimate solution for Sales teams looking to supercharge their CRM management. It is specifically engineered to streamline the process of updating CRM fields, saving time and ensuring data accuracy. Here’s what Swyft AI brings to the table:

Key Features and Capabilities:

  • Automated CRM Updates: Swyft AI takes comprehensive notes during sales calls and leverages AI to summarize vital information.
  • Next Steps Generation: It generates a list of next steps based on call context and goals.
  • Seamless Salesforce Integration: Swyft AI seamlessly integrates with Salesforce for instant CRM updates.
  • Call Summary: Enjoy a perfect overview of your sales calls, eliminating manual note-taking.
  • Structured Data and Context: Automatically updates call notes and discusses next steps with the right parties.
  • Mobile Accessibility: Available on Android and iPhone devices, allowing you to stay connected with your team remotely.

User Benefits:

  • Time Savings: Say goodbye to hours of manual CRM updates; Swyft AI does it instantly.
  • Efficiency: Detailed call summaries and next steps lists enhance sales efficiency.
  • Data Accuracy: Ensure data hygiene and keep Salesforce updated effortlessly.
  • Remote Productivity: Stay connected and productive with mobile accessibility.
  • Custom Plans: Choose from Designer, Marketing, and Developer plans tailored to your team’s needs.
  • Beta Program: Participate in the free Beta program to experience Swyft AI’s benefits.
  • Support and Testimonials: Enjoy excellent customer support and read user testimonials highlighting productivity improvements.


Swyft AI is the Sales team’s best friend when it comes to CRM management. It automates updates, generates summaries, and lists next steps with precision. Seamlessly integrated with Salesforce, Swyft AI ensures data accuracy, saving valuable time for Sales professionals. With mobile accessibility, customizable plans, and a free Beta program, it’s a tool that Sales teams of all sizes can rely on to boost productivity and efficiency.

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