
All-in-one tab and link management platform designed to boost browsing efficiency and productivity.

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More About TabHub

TabHub reimagines the way you manage tabs and links, turning your browser into a powerhouse of efficiency. It offers a suite of features to empower users in organizing, collaborating, and gaining insights into their browsing activities.

Key Features and Capabilities:

  • Smart Tab Grouping: Utilizes AI to categorize tabs into well-structured groups, simplifying management even with a multitude of tabs.
  • Tab Manager Toolbox: Provides cloud synchronization, bookmark management, sorting, grouping, saving, and restoring tabs, all within one platform.
  • Time Tracker: Automatically tracks browsing activity and presents valuable analytics.
  • Team Collaboration: Enables real-time tab sharing and access management for team members.
  • Lightweight: Browser extension with a small 400KB file size to enhance browser speed and reduce memory usage.
  • Upcoming Beta Access: Early access to TabHub’s beta version by joining the waiting list.

User Benefits:

  • Effortless Tab Management: AI-powered grouping and robust tab management tools simplify tab organization.
  • Time Management: Automatic tracking and analytics to enhance productivity.
  • Team Collaboration: Streamlines sharing and access management for collaborative work.
  • Browser Performance: Small file size for improved speed and memory usage.


TabHub is your ultimate solution for tab and link management, providing a seamless browsing experience. With AI-driven tab organization, comprehensive tab management tools, time tracking, and team collaboration features, TabHub is your go-to platform for efficient browsing. Join the beta waiting list today and explore how TabHub can enhance your productivity.

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