TeamSmart AI

The Chrome extension to boost productivity with ChatGPT

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TeamSmart AI

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More About TeamSmart AI

TeamSmart AI is a Chrome extension that boosts productivity by providing seamless access to a team of AI assistants using your OpenAI API key. The extension allows you to summarize content, generate code, draft tweets, and more, directly inside your browser.

Key Features:

  • Seamless Access to ChatGPT: Open ChatGPT instantly with a click or a keyboard shortcut, without the need for login.
  • Cost-effective: Use your own OpenAI API key and pay per usage, which is usually cheaper than the ChatGPT Plus subscription.
  • Instant Access: Open ChatGPT with a single click or keyboard shortcut.
  • High-quality Prompts: Access a library of awesome ChatGPT prompts with a keyboard shortcut.
  • Super-powered AI Team Members: Get help with various tasks like searching AI-generated images, generating Tailwind components, and more.
  • Additional Features: Color code previews, domain availability checker, customizable code previews, and more.
  • Local Data Storage: Your data is stored securely on your local device, and you can clear your messages at any time.

Use Cases:

  • Summarizing web pages
  • Generating code snippets
  • Drafting social media content
  • Accessing AI-generated images
  • Getting help with programming tasks
  • Consulting AI experts in various fields

To get started, download the TeamSmart AI Chrome extension, create your AI team, and enter your OpenAI API key.

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