Threado AI

Enables users to create custom trained AI applications for instant support and query answering

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Threado AI

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More About Threado AI

Threado AI is an advanced AI-powered tool designed to create custom trained AI applications that deliver instant support and answer queries on popular platforms such as Slack, Discord, and webpages. With a quick setup process, users can have their AI sidekick ready in just minutes, providing efficient and accurate responses.

Key Features:

  • Quick Setup: Users can set up their AI sidekick in just a few minutes for instant deployment.
  • Customization and Fine-tuning: The tool allows users to customize and fine-tune the AI’s behavior to ensure accurate and efficient performance.
  • Multi-platform Deployment: The AI can be deployed on Slack, Discord, or embedded on webpages, providing instant support and accurate answers.
  • Jedi-level Training Capabilities: Users can train the AI bot using community conversations, online knowledge bases, websites, and PDFs for comprehensive understanding.
  • Actionable Insights: Access comprehensive views of the bot’s performance, feedback, and total queries solved to continuously enhance performance and meet community needs.

Use Cases:

  • Instantly provide support and answers on platforms like Slack, Discord, and webpages.
  • Custom train the AI bot for accurate responses using diverse sources of information.
  • Continuously improve performance and better understand the community’s needs with actionable insights.

In summary, Threado AI is a versatile and powerful AI tool that enables users to deploy custom trained AI applications for instant support and query answering on various platforms. With its Jedi-level training capabilities and actionable insights, Threado AI provides a comprehensive solution for meeting community needs and delivering top-notch support.

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