Truata Calibrate

Use privacy-protected data to drive growth while complying with data protection standards.

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Truata Calibrate

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More About Truata Calibrate

Trūata Calibrate is a privacy-centric data management software that helps organizations operationalize their data pipelines. The tool is designed to measure and mitigate data privacy risks to ensure compliance.

Key Features

  • Fingerprint Analysis and Dynamic Risk Scoring: Automate privacy risk assessments to identify direct and hidden risks in datasets of any size. The software provides standardized risk scores and detailed risk reports that meet stringent regulatory requirements.
  • Privacy-Utility Impact Simulations: Receive dynamic recommendations for data transformation and simulate the privacy-utility impact before performing risk mitigation. This ensures maximum data utility.
  • Cloud-native Solution: Trūata Calibrate can be deployed natively on cloud platforms and integrated seamlessly within your existing tech stack. This facilitates centralized data privacy management across decentralized business ecosystems.

How It Works

  1. Fingerprint Technology: Trūata Calibrate uses a patent-pending Fingerprint technology that automates quantitative risk assessments. Users can understand risk scores and make informed decisions about their data assets via an easy-to-use dashboard.
  2. Dynamic Recommendations: The software provides dynamic recommendations for data transformation and allows users to view privacy-utility impact simulations before performing targeted de-identification to mitigate risks.
  3. Data Transformation: Users can transform data to create privacy-enhanced datasets that can be shared or transferred and used responsibly by insights-driven teams.

Use Cases

Trūata Calibrate can be used to:

  • Scan data assets to identify direct and indirect privacy risks.
  • Perform targeted de-identification to fast-track safe data sharing.
  • Create an auditable trail of compliance.
  • Operationalize privacy-compliant data pipelines at speed.
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