
Leading Enterprise AI Solutions.

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More About Veritone

Veritone is an innovative AI platform that offers highly modular capabilities for small to large AI practices. It provides a variety of AI solutions and applications designed to transform operations and solve the complexities of digital information.


  • Enterprise AI Platform: Veritone’s proprietary enterprise AI platform, aiWARE, is highly modular and customizable. It can be deployed in the cloud, at the edge, or in hybrid environments.
  • AI Engines: Veritone leverages an ecosystem of 300+ best-of-breed AI models, encompassing areas like Generative AI (ChatGPT), Audio, Biometrics, Data, Speech, Text, and Vision.
  • AI Integrations: The platform allows users to add AI to current solutions they’re already using, such as Snowflake, Alteryx, Axcelerate, and Relativity.
  • Applications: Veritone offers a range of applications including Attribute (broadcast-to-web radio attribution), Avatar (3D Avatar creator), Automate Studio (low code/no code workflow builder), and Digital Media Hub (media asset management and monetization), among others.
  • Professional Services: Veritone provides assistance in AI model onboarding, AI workflow development, application development, data reporting and visualization, and generative AI workflow development.

Use Cases

Veritone’s AI platform caters to a wide range of use cases, including:

  • Generative AI (ChatGPT)
  • Advertising
  • Data Management
  • Enterprise AI
  • Face & Voice Recognition
  • Media Management and Monetization
  • Metaverse Solutions
  • Recruitment
  • Redaction
  • Transcription and Translation


Veritone designs and helps build solutions specific to various industry pain points. These industries include Media & Broadcast, Government, Legal & Compliance, and Sports.


Veritone’s AI platform offers a comprehensive suite of AI solutions and applications, catering to a broad range of industries and use cases. With its extensive AI engine ecosystem and professional services, Veritone is well-positioned to help organizations transform their operations and solve complex digital information challenges.

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