WriteText.ai for Magento

WriteText.ai is an Artificial Intelligence-backed product description generator specifically designed for Magento. Conveniently within your Magento backend, this extension autonomously generates meta titles, meta descriptions, full product descriptions, concise product summaries, Open Graph texts, and image alt texts.

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More About WriteText.ai for Magento

WriteText.ai is a Magento extension that uses AI to produce product descriptions.
It seamlessly creates meta titles, meta descriptions, complete and brief product descriptions, Open Graph texts, and image alt texts directly in your Magento backend.

Infinite connections to ecommerce sites and unlimited user accounts.
Direct content publishing and transfer to Magento.
Selection of product attributes, tone, and style.
Content length, target audience, and user roles can be customized.
Advanced image analysis by WriteText.ai for accurate and appealing descriptions, especially useful for products with limited data or complex names.
AI-powered target market suggestions.
Detailed keyword analysis and suggestions for semantic keywords.
Tracking of keyword density for SEO benefits.
Capabilities for text rewriting.
Ability to reference a product to ensure consistent tone, style, and layout.
Content review history log for better content management.
Support for managing multiple stores.
A Chrome extension for efficient content management and product tagging for fact-checking or rewriting.

WriteText.ai operates in ‘Single’ and ‘Bulk’ modes. In ‘Single’ mode, users can adjust all settings for a specific product before text generation. In contrast, ‘Bulk’ mode allows for the automatic generation of text for multiple products simultaneously without manual oversight..

This extension offers the flexibility to connect with countless ecommerce sites and establish multiple user accounts at no additional charge.

WriteText.ai Single

In this mode, users can tailor the tone, style, and target audience of a specific product, carry out comprehensive keyword research, and choose semantic keywords and unique product attributes for incorporation into the text. WriteText.ai crafts personalized text in roughly 50 seconds, with users able to review and tweak the text prior to publication. The emphasis in this mode is on generating bespoke content catering to the unique needs of a specific audience while optimizing for SEO.

WriteText.ai Bulk

WriteText.ai Bulk allows for the simultaneous generation of text for multiple products while preserving uniformity in tone, style, and features across all selected items. This mode is geared for rapid delivery and efficiency, optimizing the content creation process for high-volume needs.

Languages supported

To accommodate users worldwide, Version 1.2 provides support for multiple languages, such as Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, German, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan, Dutch, and Italian. This feature enables businesses to auto-generate content in their Magento site’s language, broadening their market reach and enhancing global customer engagement. WriteText.ai automatically adjusts its output to your site’s language, defaulting to English if the language is not available. The translation of the interface is underway.


Disclaimer: WriteText.ai is an independent tool developed to work with Magento. It is not affiliated or endorsed by Magento.

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